Auction Vehicles

Your are about to view cars at AUCTION
Important Notice : All displayed vehicles are VAT Qualifying vehicles

  1. If you bid you make a clear offer to purchase.
  2. IF SUCCESSFUL, you will also be charged for Auction success fees, and Transportation charges.
  3. In cases of VAT recovery, you will ALSO be charged for VAT handling charges.
  4. Your Bid becomes irrevocable, as from 6pm NZ time, the day before the auction.
  5. You MUST make payment immediately upon receipt of any Invoice.
  6. YOU alone are fully responsible for the vehicle's suitability and condition.
  7. There are no guarantees an inspector can view this car prior to auction.
  8. The inspector will do his best to accurately preview the vehicle, but offers no guarantes, and accepts no liability regarding the accuracy of the inspection.
  9. By continuing to Auction, you confirm you understand and have agreed to all terms of trade of BUYUKCARS LTD. and accept all liability for any vehicle bought.